The main driving force is undoubtedly the individual, the centrality he or she has, and for us he or she must first have the institutional apparatuses that represent him or her. Moral, community and economic growth cannot be separated from respect for constitutionally guaranteed rights.
IDI was born in the mid-nineties precisely to bring the person back to the attention not only of doctrine and debate, but to make him or her the recipient of concrete actions that would enhance his or her capabilities in an international dimension.
IDI fits right here, halfway between private and public interests, to monitor and work on the right balance between the two parties and, independently, to guarantee the protection of the individual to explore new markets, new ways of being in solidarity, to deepen knowledge in various fields of knowledge, and of the States involved so that equal needs for cooperation and development are met.
Much progress has been made since 1994, the year the institution was founded. The organisational structure imprinted by the founders has become more complex, giving rise to new departments and representative figures. An evolution due to today’s times and to new entrepreneurial instances, increasingly oriented, in the globalized world, to foreign markets and to the achievement of higher levels of competitiveness.
The bet was taken in particular by Paolo Giordani, an internationalist lawyer who came to IDI from the EUCD (European Diplomatique Conseil). After a brief period as Minister General of the Swiss Department, Giordani was promoted as the first guarantor of the new diplomatic governance, a growing reality, valuable for the indefatigable work of strengthening transnational relations, supporting companies and society of the last and defenseless.
Knowing how to listen and therefore interpret the needs of this composite universe of individuals is rapidly leading IDI to establish itself as a point of reference in the field of technical assistance, training and support to businesses, and to people with various difficulties, from economic to physical or intellectual.
The two souls of the Institute, entrepreneurial and social, are the two tracks on which a dialogue was initiated years ago, which we hope will continue to be fruitful with all parties with whom IDI will come into contact. There is no shortage of professionals, volunteers, offices, or even the enthusiasm with which to carry out the work and achieve the objectives.