
The value of education

The quality of training, in all sectors, is a fundamental cornerstone for the success of production processes and the provision of services. The situation is a little different in diplomacy. Why is that? For the simple fact that, when we talk about training in this field, we have a path that allows us to achieve good results in different areas. As has already been said, the diplomat has to work in different areas. It is not enough to act by looking after international relations. In fact, we must also consider protecting the interests of our fellow countrymen, which means having a specific training in international law.

It is also essential going for it with regard to the work of the United Nations. To continue to talk about the importance of training in the diplomatic world, we refer to the world of mediation. The diplomat must be able to mediate between different interests and, in some cases, to resolve difficult situations both in the institutional sphere and with regard to the decisions that are taken every day by entrepreneurs both in Italy and abroad.

An interesting reference is the Department for Studies and Training of I.D.I. (International Diplomatic Institute). This project aims to represent a real safe haven in the world of diplomatic training, starting from the organization of courses and seminars on the activities of the United Nations and international law.

The training building of the diplomat, however, must be much more solid. When we speak of paths of professional growth in this area, it is also called into question, by necessity, the study of texts such as the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. Considering the international scope of the assignment, those working in the diplomatic field must also have clear ideas about the religious traditions of cultures other than their own.

In a nutshell, we can say that training, at least for those who work as diplomats, is a way to better understand the complexity of a contemporary world always ready to put in the foreground challenges of an economic, cultural, moral and industrial nature. All this, by necessity, is intertwined with the life of States and their inhabitants, favouring or hindering the creation of relations.

Thanks to the training he has behind him, the diplomat can avoid problems from this point of view and seek points in common useful to the quality and duration of the relationship between the State he represents and the high nations.