In these weeks leading up to the tax declaration deadlines, we read about a great many projects. We at IDI ( Inernational Diplomatic Institute) have chosen to support one in particular with regard to the 5×1000. What is it about? The Primavera Società Cooperativa (Spring Cooperative Society), a reality that has existed since 1987. A lot of things have changed since then. What has remained the same is the commitment of the volunteers of this cooperative who, for more than 30 years now, have been taking care of projects aimed at the employment of people with disabilities.
We have often talked about the concept of diversity as normality and we like to stress its importance even today. We live in a world full of opportunities, which also arise from the continuous human exchange and the possibility to get rich thanks to the point of view of each person. This extraordinary human heritage is also made by those who live in a condition disadvantaged by a physical or mental disability, and have the right to express their personality and inclinations.
What better way than work to put all this into practice? Thanks to Primavera Società Cooperativa, the professional aspirations of those who live with a physical and mental disability can become a reality. Entrepreneurs, for their part, manage to create a working environment that can rightly be defined as polychrome.
In this way the way of doing business changes radically, giving space to horizons of ethics that are fundamental today. We are very proud of the support for this project, which can be supported with 5×1000. This deadline, every year, gives us the opportunity to reflect on the many realities that, around us, every day strive to improve society and give more opportunities to those who have a particularly difficult path ahead of them. Our invitation, therefore, is to discover this reality (here to see what the cooperative is about) and to think about their project when choosing the 5 x 1000.