“Seventy-four years after the founding Charter came into force, the role of the United Nations Organization in spreading peace, development and respect for human rights is stronger and more stable than ever. Our country could also recognize this by accepting the recommendation to member states, made in 1971, to turn October 24 into a holiday or at least into a civil solemnity”. The President of the International Diplomatic Institute, Paolo Giordani, says so on the occasion of the United Nations Day, which has been celebrated every 24 October since 1948.
“Too often – Giordani points out – we tend to take for granted what the UN represents for international relations in an increasingly globalized world: a forum without precedent in history, where everyone, not only governments but also stakeholders, can make their voice heard. The IDI, a non-governmental organization with special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council, will participate convincingly in the “global conversation”, which the United Nations will launch next January to give special meaning to the 75th anniversary of the Charter, and will make every effort to involve as many people as possible. Only with dialogue, in fact, is it possible to build a truly shared future”.