“Sincere sorrow” was expressed by the President of the International Diplomatic Institute, Paolo Giordani, for the death of Alberto Sed.
“The International Diplomatic Institute – writes Giordani in a letter to the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni – in learning from the press about the death of Alberto Sed, who survived the Auschwitz’s Nazi concentration camp – is in a position to express his condolences for the death of Alberto Sed.
Birkenau, wishes to make himself present, my personal through, with the most sincere feelings of condolences to his family and the entire Jewish Community of Rome.
“The existence of Alberto – Giordani recalls – has qualified itself for over seventy years as an incorruptible testimony of living memory and exhortation to not repeat the abominable crime against humanity that was the Shoah”.
Sed, who disappeared at the age of 91, was captured in Rome with his mother and two sisters and taken for a short time to Fossoli, only to be taken to Birkenau where he was tattooed with the number A-5491. With tireless activity he preserved the memory of events that the human mind still struggles to believe possible and which nevertheless occurred.