Le rôle des Nations Unies dans la phase de crise actuelle des relations internationales

- Total des heures de formation: 20 heures
- Langue d'enseignement: italien et anglais
- Lieu des cours: formation à distance
- Période de cours: 8, 9 et 10 octobre 2020
- Inscription dans: 1 octobre 2020
- Coût: Sing up by 1st October: 100,00 EUR
Cours théorique-pratique intensif (20 heures) sur la structure, le fonctionnement et les activités de la plus importante organisation internationale de caractère généralement universel et dotée d’une compétence politique générale.
Directeur de cours: Prof. Marco Ricceri
Tous les enseignants seront des enseignants hautement qualifiés de certaines des universités italiennes les plus prestigieuses et des experts de l’institut Unitar.
Nombre minimum de participants: 25.
A terme, l’on décernera aux étudiants un certificat de participation.
- Nature, buts et principes de l’Organisation des Nations Unies [en italien]
In this introductory module, the distinctive legal characters of international organizations will be outlined, then a rapid historical retrospective will be outlined, which will introduce the analysis of the various chapters of the United Nations Charter in order to grasp the purposes and principles which inspire the Organization activities.
- Appartenance à l’organisation ou aux organes [en italien]
The acquisition of the status of member of the United Nations will be treated and its peculiarities will form the subject of this session.
- Actes, moyens financiers [en italien]
The module will deal with the structure and functioning of the UN, through an effective illustration of the bodies entrusted with governance and their composition, the taking of decisions within them and the legal value of the acts adopted, as well as a mention to the instruments through which the Organization finances itself.
- Les principales activités [en italien]
During this course, chapters VI and VII of the Charter will be analyzed, which deal with actions aimed at promoting a peaceful solution to disputes or aimed at responding to threats to peace, violations of peace and acts of aggression.
- Techniques et stratégies de négociation [en italien]
This module foresees the presentation of communication techniques, indispensable in negotiating contexts to relate in an adequate and perceptive way with the various interlocutors.
- Les opérations d’imposition et de maintien de la paix sur la scène mondiale [en italien]
The legal basis and the main operations conducted under the auspices of the United Nations Department for Peace Operations (DPKO) at various latitudes will be briefly presented, with a look in particular to the Italian-led UNIFIL mission in Lebanon. Furthermore, the differences with peace-enforcement activities (so-called third generation operations) will be analyzed, in light of concrete cases in progress.
- L’ONU entre sécurité et développement: l’Agenda 2030 [en italien]
The Focus will instead be dedicated to the overall analysis of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with particular attention to the developments that the Covid-19 pandemic has also caused on the ability to hit the targets within the set deadline.
- Exercice d’atterrissage sur la lune [en italien]
This is a team-building exercise, simulating a fictional moon-landing scenario. Participants will be briefed on the exercise, they will be divided into groups to work together, and then will speak about their findings in the plenary session. The whole session will last between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the participants’ time for discussion and debriefing.
- Session de développement de carrièr [en anglais]
This 1.5 hour session serves to provide participants with a basic understanding of the United Nations system from outside as well as from within. It will clarify the internal hierarchy at the United Nations, explaining the differences in positions as well as duty stations and their different responsibilities. It will then delve deeper into the financing of the United Nations and the challenges this brings for internal UN staff as well as for the recruitment process. Lastly, the webinar will also give an introduction of basic aspects of the application process for UN positions, including useful websites and resources. The session will be in English.
Lycéens, étudiants universitaires, récents diplômés et professionnels.
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